Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mending Kids International fundraiser

What an honor and privilege to volunteer with our robots at a fundraising gala for Mending Kids International, a charity that provides lifesaving surgeries for children in developing countries. The event honored its volunteers and raised thousands of dollars for future mission trips. We met some of the doctors, kids who have received surgeries, and celebrities who support this worthwhile charity, such as Mel Gibson, who auctioned off a stay at his home in Costa Rica. One little boy spent a lot of time with our robots and even gave WALL-E goldfish crackers. So cute!

Dr Phillip Frykman was honored for his inspirational volunteer work
WALL-E checks out the silent auction tables
Mel Gibson
Tia Carrera

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Orange Public Library

Mike presented his WALL-E and Victor Franco shared his R2-D2. A photographer from the Orange County Register came for a photo spread in the Orange weekly newspaper. Here's the article:

Photos below courtesy Orange County Register:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

WALL-E & Eve at Comikaze 2014

This was Eve's first public appearance, even though she's far from complete. She was a big hit with the crowd. She and WALL-E hold hands as they move around together.